Environmental Policy

About Us

Shelving and Racking Ltd is the leading national supplier and installer of new and used pallet racking and warehouse shelving systems.

At Shelving and Racking we aim to grow our business through creating strong partnerships with customers and suppliers, with a commitment to provide high levels of service and satisfaction.
We are a company that encourages individual excellence and strong teamwork, where people care about each other and share their knowledge freely. We strive for excellence and aim to exceed expectations wherever possible. We work hard to achieve our goals and we encourage our staff to be ambitious.
We constantly reward and celebrate individual and team success.
We have a commitment to reduce carbon emissions by using locally and ethically sourced materials and a dedicated programme to reuse, refurbish and recycle where possible.
As our business continues to grow we work hard to keep these values at the core of our operation.
Use of Steel

Use of Steel

  • Steel is one of the most widely used building materials and we all benefit from its uses. However, the manufacturing process for steel is also one of the biggest producers of CO2 on the planet. At Shelving and Racking we are committed to recovering and reusing steel pallet racking and shelving wherever possible, so we can provide a cost effective product with a drastically reduced carbon footprint.
  • Every time we are able to recover and reuse steel for its primary function, we are preventing harmful gases from entering the atmosphere- approximately 1850kg of carbon dioxide for every 1000kg of steel reused.
  • We estimate that by us recovering and selling used pallet racking, our customers are collectively helping to reduce the production of CO2 by 100 million kilos per year. That's 1 billion kgs over the last 10 years, based on a single reuse.
  • We buy new steel products only from companies that can demonstrate a commitment to reducing their carbon footprint. An example of this would be an environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001.
Our Commitment

Our Commitment

At Shelving and Racking Ltd we are committed to:
  •   Protecting the environment.
  •   Preventing pollution and nuisance.
  •   Complying with all relevant environmental legislation.
  •   Reducing the production of waste, encouraging its recycling wherever possible and managing the effective disposal of waste through approved agencies.
  •   Minimising the environmental impacts associated with our activities.
  •   Using energy responsibly, including conserving energy and improving energy efficiency.
  •   Evaluating the environmental impacts when considering new plant, equipment or processes.
  •   Providing training to all staff on environmental issues and giving opportunities for staff to contribute to environmental improvements.