
Welcome To Shelving & Racking Limited

Shelving & Racking Limited are the UK's largest buyer, stockists and trade suppliers of new pallet racking, used pallet racking, warehouse racking, storage racking systems, industrial shelving, longspan shelving, steel shelving and warehouse storage equipment such as industrial cupboards, specialist cabinets and lockers.

Shelving & Racking Limited specialise in:

If you want to get in touch to discuss your shelving and racking requirements, you can call us on 0800 612 3210 or use our enquiry form.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Go Green This New Year with Used Pallet Racking

Embrace sustainability in the new year with used pallet racking for a greener warehouse. Opting for used pallet racking is a practical and eco-friendly decision to lower your carbon footprint. This new year, why not go green with our excellent quality used pallet racking, all checked to SEMA specifications. It is not only a responsible choice for the environment but can also save you a considerable amount of money. Let’s explore how opting for used pallet racking can benefit both your business and the environment.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Used pallet racking embodies the essence of the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. By choosing used pallet racking systems, you reduce wasted materials and give them a second life. This reduces the demand for new resources and minimises the environmental impact that comes with manufacturing new products.


Opting for used pallet racking is not only environmentally responsible but also cost-effective. Our used pallet racking systems are cheaper than new ones, they are also quicker and therefore less expensive to install as the frames are sent out to you pre-assembled.  This means you can embrace sustainability without breaking the bank, a win-win situation for your business and the environment. We can provide pallet racking solutions for all budgets.

Local Sourcing and Reduced Emissions

A lot of new pallet racking is imported into the UK and this long-distance transportation is a significant source of carbon emissions. All our used pallet racking is bought in the UK as locally as possible and reused in the UK. By using UK suppliers and reusing existing materials, you’re contributing to a smaller carbon footprint. 

Durability and Quality

Our used pallet racking systems are robust and reliable. These systems are built to last and all of our stock undergoes rigorous quality checks before resale. By choosing Shelving and Racking, you can ensure that the racking meets industry standards and provides long-lasting performance, reducing the need for frequent replacements and further contributing to sustainability.

Customisation and Efficiency

Pallet racking comes in standard sizes so used racking can be designed to optimise storage space just as well as new, leading to an efficient use of your warehouse, which further reduces the energy and resources used. The circular economy is all about creating a sustainable, closed-loop system. By choosing used pallet racking, you are actively participating, where materials and products are kept in circulation, preventing waste and the depletion of resources.

Choosing used pallet racking for your business needs is a pro-active way to reduce your carbon footprint, promote sustainability, and enhance your environmental responsibility. It is the smart choice for both your business and the planet.  Our about us page gives further details of our commitment to sustainability.

We can supply used pallet racking for all project sizes and we are just a call or email away. Contact us on 0800 612 3210 or by email at