
Welcome To Shelving & Racking Limited

Shelving & Racking Limited are the UK's largest buyer, stockists and trade suppliers of new pallet racking, used pallet racking, warehouse racking, storage racking systems, industrial shelving, longspan shelving, steel shelving and warehouse storage equipment such as industrial cupboards, specialist cabinets and lockers.

Shelving & Racking Limited specialise in:

If you want to get in touch to discuss your shelving and racking requirements, you can call us on 0800 612 3210 or use our enquiry form.

Maintaining Your Pallet Racking Between Inspections: What To Do

Maintaining Your Pallet Racking Between Inspections: What To Do

Pallet racking is essential for efficient warehouse operations. Proper storage helps save time and money, boosting profits. Safe and secure pallet racking is vital for many businesses. Maintaining your pallet racking can prevent costly issues. In this blog, we’ll discuss pallet racking, inspections, and tips in maintaining your pallet racking between inspections. If you have any concerns with your pallet racking you can contact us on 0800 6123210, we are happy to help! 

What is pallet racking?

Pallet racking is the most popular pallet storage system in UK warehouses. It’s an efficient and secure method for storing large volumes of heavy pallets, accessible by forklift. This system optimises vertical space with multiple shelving levels per unit, freeing up floor space and maximising warehouse capacity.

Why should you have your racking inspected?

Health and safety are crucial in any workplace. They ensure physical safety for everyone and protect against the complications of paperwork and consequences if an accident occurs. Good health and safety practices also provide peace of mind, improving mental health and emotional well-being.

In a warehouse, maintaining your pallet racking is vital for health and safety. Regular use and handling of heavy items cause wear and tear, which can lead to serious problems if not addressed. Regular inspections help catch issues early, allowing for timely repairs and preventing larger problems. Inspections also promote accountability and emphasise the importance of pallet racking maintenance as a team effort.

What can you do between inspections?

You should schedule regular inspections, either annually or every six months, for a SARI approved inspector to check for any signs of damage before they become serious issues that could lead to accidents, injuries, or costly damage to your stock.

In addition to these official inspections, there are several steps you can take in maintaining your pallet racking between inspections.

In house inspections

It’s important to inspect your pallet racking more frequently than the scheduled official inspections to catch any early signs of damage or deterioration before they become serious issues.

What should you look out for?

When conducting in-house inspections, watch out for certain telltale signs. Here are some key details to pay particular attention to:

Signs of corrosion

Rust and corrosion are problematic for your pallet racking as they weaken the structure and increase the risk of breakage. This is especially common in pallet racking kept outdoors, exposed to extreme temperatures or moisture, or in older pallet racking systems.

Fixtures and fittings are particularly prone to rust and corrosion. While rusty screws might seem minor, they can compromise the stability of your pallet racking. Replacing a screw is far cheaper and easier than dealing with broken stock that has fallen from damaged pallet racking.

Forklift damage

Forklifts can cause significant damage to your pallet racking, even if the impact seems minor. A collision can compromise the pallet racking’s structural integrity, so it’s crucial to monitor any forklift incidents. Even a small bump can have serious consequences.

Keep detailed records of any collisions, noting the location of the impact on the pallet racking. This, combined with regular visual inspections, helps monitor the stability of your storage system.

Bends and dents

Bends and dents in your pallet racking can create hazards for everyone using the shelves. These deformations can misalign the structure, increasing the risk of it toppling over. They can also tilt your pallets, complicating picking and packing, and making your stock more likely to slide off.

While some dents and bends might be smoothed out, these areas remain weak points. It’s safer to replace any damaged components to maintain the integrity of your pallet racking system.

Missing beam locks

Beam locks are designed to keep your pallet racking secure. If any are missing, they should be replaced immediately. Occasionally, a beam lock might go missing, so regularly checking and counting them to ensure they are all in place is crucial for maintaining safety and preventing issues from arising due to a missing clip.

Overloaded racking

Every pallet racking unit has a maximum load capacity that must be adhered to for safety. It’s essential that your team is aware of these limits and respects them consistently. Overloading a racking unit can cause it to buckle or collapse, so it’s critical to prevent accidental overloading of your pallet racking.

While it may be challenging to visually identify overloading, knowing the weight limits for each pallet racking unit and organising your stock accordingly helps ensure that you do not exceed these limits.

Dislodged beams

Similar to dents and bends, dislodged beams can disrupt the alignment of an entire pallet racking system. Even a minor impact can knock a beam out of place, compromising the stability of the entire unit. Performing frequent and regular checks on all beams allows you to promptly identify and correct any that have become dislodged before they escalate into serious issues.

Damaged or twisted uprights

The base of your pallet racking is prone to damage because it’s often at a height that can be accidentally bumped or hit by forklifts, feet, and stock. Unfortunately, damage to the base can have significant consequences for the entire pallet racking system.

It’s crucial to regularly assess the condition of the base of your pallet racking units, paying close attention to any signs of twisting or unusual angles at the feet. Undetected damage that is then struck again could destabilise the entire unit, potentially causing it to topple over. This not only risks damaging stock and other pallet racking but also poses serious injury hazards to nearby workers.

Racking protectors

You can enhance the safety of your pallet racking units by installing different types of racking protection. These include barrier systems and upright protectors that act as physical barriers, shielding your pallet racking from forklift damage. Additionally, support bars and back stops can be installed on pallet racking shelves to prevent pallets from sliding off.

Staff training

Making sure everyone who works on-site is familiar with the danger signs we’ve outlined in this blog is a great way of avoiding serious incidents with your pallet racking. The people who are most frequently in contact with your pallet racking will often be the first to spot any damage or differences. Therefore, giving everyone training in what to look out for and report is essential. It’s also really important to make sure all your staff know the maximum loads for all of your pallet racking so they don’t overload them.

SEMA offer a Rack Safety Awareness course designed to help you to identify any issues that may arise. The course offers advice on how to comply with the law, conducting risk assessments, recording an (in house) inspection, reporting damage levels and action points.

For more information or advice on maintaining your pallet racking between inspections, feel free to get in touch with our team on 0800 612 3210. We can help to identify and fix any trouble spots, and can offer advice on extra precautions to make your warehouse a safer, and more efficient, place to work.

Selling Pallet Raking

Selling Pallet Racking? What We Need to Know

People often ask if we buy secondhand pallet racking. Our response is, “How do you think we have secondhand stock to sell!?” We purchase our pallet racking from companies that are upgrading, moving or closing down. We buy pallet racking, long-span shelving, column guards, safety barriers… if we sell it, we will most likely buy it! If you are looking at selling your pallet racking, read on for what we need to know, alternatively, you can contact our sales team on 0800 612 3210 for help and advice.

What we need to know

We make the process of selling your pallet racking easy, there are a few things that we need to know first!

Firstly, email us at with photos, sizes/dimensions, quantities and details of any accessories you have.

  • We need photos so that we can assess the condition of the materials for sale.
  • Height and depth of the frame is required. Please advise the number of frames that are available.
  • Specify the number of beams along with their length (clear entry measurement required). If known, provide the UDL; if not, please provide the box size (depth of the beam face).

Next, we will review your email and the specifics of your system. 

Finally, if we can make you an offer, we will email you the offer amount based on your request.  If you need us to arrange dismantling, stacking, and transport we can incorporate these costs into our offer.

We constantly seek new stock to add to our warehouse and are always interested in purchasing more! No matter the system or manufacturer, we will consider buying the racking.

We strive to provide you with a quick service and a competitive valuation. If you are obtaining multiple quotes, let us know, and we will do our best to beat the price!

If you have any pallet racking which you don’t need, then please contact us on 0800 612 3210. Our friendly sales team are ready to help you sell your unwanted pallet racking.

See Why Customers Return to Shelving & Racking

See Why Customers Return to Shelving & Racking

Customer service is the core of our business and sets us apart from our competitors. We believe that excellent products should come with exceptional support. With us you’re not just purchasing a product; you’re gaining a partner committed to providing assistance, answering questions, and ensuring your needs are met. Don’t just take our word for it! Continue reading to see why customers return to Shelving & Racking time and time again. You can call us on 0800 612 32310 or email us, our friendly sales team are happy to assist you.

“Excellent service from the moment we enquired through to the moment we collected the goods. Good quality at the right price. Will definitely be using this company again.”

Why Are We Different?

We recognise that every customer is unique, with specific preferences and needs. That’s why we offer a diverse range of products to meet our customer’s requirements. Whether you need a specific beam size or a particular manufacturer, we have a wide selection in stock. If we do not have what you need we go above and beyond to find a solution that meets your business needs. Our goal is to ensure that we find the perfect fit for your business needs. We supply both used and new pallet racking from numerous manufacturers, so our customers are confident we can provide a solution tailored to their needs.

“Excellent service, fast delivery and would highly recommend, I’ve used them several times now for pallet racking.”

Our Service

Reputation and credibility are paramount to our business, backed by years of trust and experience. With a proven track record and thousands of satisfied customers, we consistently deliver on our promises. Our customers know that when they choose to buy from us, they can be confident in their decision, knowing they are dealing with a trusted and established company. Too good to be true? You can read our customer reviews here.

Affordability is crucial in any purchase. We offer competitive prices without compromising quality. We strive to provide cost-effective solutions that fit your budget whilst ensuring high standards.

“Pleased with the value and speed of delivery. One of the only places that could meet our specific needs. Purchased on a couple of occasions now and would definitely use again.”


From your initial contact to the delivery of your materials or the completion of your installation, we are with you every step of the way. Our goal is to ensure your experience with us is excellent and evolves into a long-term partnership. We are available to answer any questions or provide advice whenever needed. A completed sale is not the end of our service; we are dedicated to offering ongoing support. Whether you need a racking inspection or repairs, we are here to support your business. This commitment sets us apart from our competitors. Make the smart choice today and join thousands of satisfied customers—you won’t be disappointed!

“Fantastic service from the whole team. Director, sales and even the wagon driver. We inherited a large quantity of shelf beams which they helped us identify and source the needed supports to get them in service.”

Contact us today on 0800 612 3210 and experience the difference for yourself!

Are Load Notices Required on My Storage Equipment?

Are Load Notices Required on My Storage Equipment?

A question that is often asked is “are load notices required on my storage equipment”. To answer this you first should know what they are and why they are needed. Load notices are signs which tell users how to use and how not to use their shelving or racking systems and specifically how much weight can safely be loaded onto the system. These notices give vital safety information and when clearly displayed and combined with the correct training, give businesses the reassurance that staff are informed about how to safely load their storage systems. In worst case scenarios, over-loaded pallet racking can cause catastrophic and even fatal collapses. Contact us today to order your warehouse load notices on 0800 6123210, our sales team are happy to help!

A load notice is normally fixed to the outer structure of the pallet racking (usually the frame or upright at the end of a run). Ensure they are secured with permanent fixings that keep them correctly positioned on the structure, such as screws or plastic ties. Avoid using something that allows easy removal, like clips or magnets.

Do I Need Load Notices and How Many Do I Need?

SEMA Codes and HSG 76 are guidance documents, not legal requirements. Displaying SEMA load notices on your pallet racking isn’t mandatory by law but it is the industry standard method to show compliance with Health and Safety legislation. Without clear load notices, you risk non-compliance and serious consequences if an accident occurs.

There is no specific guidance on the amount of load notices required however signs should be visible and should clearly state which pallet racking they refers to. There is an obligation for the employers to ensure that their employees are covered by PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998). Regulation 4, requires every employer to ensure that work equipment is appropriate for the required operation.  Pallet racking is classified as work equipment. It is crucial to health and safety that the pallet racking system installed can support the loads required of it and that these loads are clearly displayed.

As an example, if a whole of a block of pallet racking in a single warehouse is serviced through a single door and is all to the same configuration, a single sign on entry might be deemed acceptable as all drivers will see if as they enter the warehouse.

However, if every run of pallet racking has a different configuration then you can tackle this in a couple of ways:

  • A different load notice for each configuration. However this would need to be clear which load notice relates to which bays.
  • One load notice that gives an acceptable solution for all configurations in that run. This would need to be based on the worst-case (weakest) configuration of that run.

What Information Should Be on a Load Notice?

It’s challenging to balance the amount of information on a notice with the likelihood that people will read it. Too little information and important points might be missed; too much, and no one will read it. The load notice aims to balance this. By providing key safety messages and specific information that is easily read by workers during their normal duties. It doesn’t cover every safety detail and doesn’t replace any formal training required.

The design of the load notice on the pallet racking should contain, as a general rule the following elements. Safety and prevention warnings, the load capacities, and the contact details of the manufacturer and distributor for the end customer.

  1. First sign is a warning, ensure regular inspections, correct usage, and check for damage.
  2. Second sign is an instruction, report all damage so the rack can be taken out of use if needed.
  3. Third sign is a prohibition, do not alter the rack without checking with the supplier first.
  4. The fourth sign is also a prohibition, do not climb the equipment, as it is not designed for climbing and could topple.
  5. The final notice provides useful information and warns to contact the supplier if unsure about the equipment’s limitations.
  • Brief description, comments of the system (usually includes the manufacturer of the system installed).
  • Maximum load per beam level (UDL).
  • Height from the floor to the top of the first beam level.
  • Height from the top of first beam to the top of the next level.
  • Maximum bay load, including all levels.
  • Space for supplier information of the storage system.

What should I do if my pallet racking doesn’t currently have a load notice?

The load capacity of pallet racking systems varies significantly. Factors like steel grade and thickness, configuration (number of beams per bay, height to the first beam, beam pitch, number of bays in a run), and floor fixing type all influence the maximum load capacity. Therefore, you would need to consult the company that the pallet racking was purchased from. If you do not know where the pallet racking was purchased from you could either get in touch with the manufacturer or consult a trained professional to ensure the information is accurate. 

In summary, to answer the question are load notices required on my storage equipment? Simply the answer is yes, if you are to adhere to the legislation set by SEMA, HSE and PUWER.

To order your load notices today, please contact a member of our sales team on 0800 612 3210.

VNA Pallet Racking: Maximising Your Warehouse Space

What is VNA Pallet Racking?

VNA pallet racking, or very narrow aisle racking, is great for maximising your warehouse space. By stacking pallets closely together, it’s a system that allows easy access to all pallets while utilising every bit of available space. In warehouses, making every square metre profitable is crucial. VNA pallet racking achieves this by using narrow aisles and stacking pallets high. Call us to discuss your requirements on 0800 612 3210 or send us an enquiry.

VNA pallet racking stands out as one of our best options for making the most of space when storing pallets. Its narrow aisles allow more pallets per m2 compared to standard pallet racking. Very narrow aisles push this efficiency to an even greater extent. See the typical aisle widths for pallet racking below.

Standard or wide aisle pallet racking:
• Aisle width – 3.5m to 4m
• FLT – Counterbalance truck
• Can be as narrow as 2.5m for access via reach truck

Narrow aisle pallet racking:
• Aisle width – 1.8m to 2.3m
• FLT – Specialist narrow aisle truck

VNA pallet racking:
• Aisle width – 1.5m to 1.6m
• FLT – Rail or wire-guided VNA truck

Why Use VNA Pallet Racking?

VNA pallet racking achieves an average of 55% space utilisation. This means an average of 55% warehouse space used for storage and 45% for aisles. In contrast, standard (wide aisle) pallet racking achieves 40% space utilisation, while narrow aisle pallet racking achieves 50%.

Although a 5% increase in space utilisation may appear small, the impact becomes clear when you crunch the numbers. A 5% expansion in pallet space translates to a notable revenue boost. For larger warehouse operations, this increase is significant.

How Safe is VNA Pallet Racking?

VNA pallet racking is typically higher than standard APR, enabling loading and unloading from significant heights. What’s more, the specialised trucks used with VNA pallet racking are very efficient and designed for safe operation at these heights. Various options are available for VNA pallet racking trucks. Including a man-up truck, which allows the operator to ride with the pallet to the top, improving visibility. In addition, backstops can be installed to prevent pallets from accidentally being pushed off the rear racks and anti-collapse mesh can be added to secure the goods on the pallets.

Rail Guided VNA Pallet Racking

In this system, forklifts need rollers as guides on their sides. Metal rails are then installed along the sides of the working aisle to guide the truck along it. Therefore, ensuring it stays on a straight course. The guide rails can be high or low depending on the storage needs of the first level of the pallet racking.

Wire Guided VNA Pallet Racking

The inductive or wire-guided system uses sensors and a cable circuit under the floor to guide the forklift.

This cable or wire under the floor generates a small electromagnetic field that connects to the sensors built into the forklifts ensuring that the forklift stays on the designated circuit without any lateral deviations

This system ensures maximum safety and automates forklift movements in the aisle. Install the wire circuit after setting up the VNA pallet racking.

Do I need a P&Ds for my VNA Pallet Racking?

VNA pallet racking trucks are highly efficient within the racking system but slow down when moving pallets outside this area, such as to an external doorway. For these tasks, a counterbalance truck is faster, but it can’t place pallets into the VNA system. The common solution is to use pick and deposit stations (P&Ds), located at the entrance of the VNA pallet racking. The counterbalance truck drops pallets at the P&Ds, and the VNA truck then picks them up to store them. There are two types of P&Ds: castellated, where every other racking row is extended for better access, and cantilevered, placed at the end of each row, allowing both trucks to work efficiently in a two-directional motion.

When deciding between cantilever and castellated P&Ds, consider the pattern in which pallets are picked and transported during delivery. Since pallets are not equal on all sides, they need to be correctly angled on the P&Ds to align with the non-turning guided VNA truck. Narrow aisle racking bays are typically 1100mm wide, suitable for both UK and EU pallets without decking. However, UK pallets measure 1200mm x 1000mm, and EU pallets measure 1200mm x 800mm, so the 1200mm side should always rest on the 1100mm beams when placing them onto the pallet racking.

Advantages of VNA Pallet Racking

Effective Space Utilisation – maximising both floor and vertical space can significantly increase storage capacity, potentially by up to 50% or more for some businesses.

Increased Productivity – using faster specialised trucks, VNA pallet racking ensures that the picking and loading process is both safe and efficient. Stock is easy to find with 100% direct access, even at heights, using the specialised trucks.

Increased Safety – advanced handling features on narrow aisle trucks, including “man-up” capabilities, enhance the safety of load handling for your staff.

Reduced Damage – guiding the forklifts down the aisle without manual steering greatly reduces the risk of pallet racking damage, minimising the chance of collapses.

Disadvantages of VNA Pallet Racking

Lower Flexibility – all pallets need to be the same size to get the most from the VNA pallet racking.

Requirement for Specialised Equipment – a narrow aisle trucks is necessary to allow for manoeuvring between the narrow aisles. These specialised trucks are not functional outside of the working aisles.

Fitting of Guide Rails or Wire – a guidance system at floor level is necessary to ensure the precise positioning of the forklift trucks.

The main downside is that VNA pallet racking requires installation on a perfectly flat concrete floor. It is essential that the warehouse floor meets the required specifications including a super flat surface. VNA pallet racking is normally higher than standard pallet racking, with an uneven floor the trucks can tilt and knock the pallet racking at height which is highly dangerous.

If you have weighed up the pros and cons and would like to find out more about VNA pallet racking for your business, you can contact our sales team on 0800 612 3210 to discuss your requirements.


Warehouse Labelling – The Correct Way

Whether you’re overseeing a small warehouse or a large distribution centre, maintaining an organised and well-labelled environment is essential for streamlined operations. An effective labelling system can enhance accuracy, efficiency, safety, and customer satisfaction. If you’re in the process of setting up or looking to improve your existing system get in touch with our sales team on 0800 612 3210 or send us an enquiry  Continue reading this guide to understand the significance of warehouse labelling the correct way and how we can help you implement it in your business.

Warehouse Labelling Systems

What is a Warehouse Labelling System?

Using a good warehouse labelling system can help your business in many ways. A warehouse labelling system involves the process of marking and identifying storage locations and products within a warehouse or distribution centre. Labels can be placed on floors, pallet racking, shelves, bins, and even individual products or pallets to clearly indicate their location and contents.

Why do I need a Warehouse Labelling System?

A well-designed warehouse labelling system is crucial for helping employees quickly and easily find products and materials. This boosts efficiency and productivity while reducing errors and accidents from misplaced or mishandled items. Additionally, an effective labelling system helps businesses optimise space, reduce clutter, and improve organisation.

What are the types of Warehouse Labelling Systems?

There are various types of warehouse labelling available, including:

Pallet racking labels identify individual shelves or bays. They are usually made of polyester, paper, or vinyl and are often placed in label holders to protect them from wear and tear. These labels attach to pallet racking using magnets or adhesive.

Aisle and bay markers identify large sections of the warehouse. These labels, which can be attached to the floor, ceiling or directly onto pallet racking, often use numbers, letters, or colour codes. Floor marking tape can also be used a cost effective way to mark out areas.

Floor labels mark aisles, walkways, and traffic lanes in the warehouse. Made of durable materials like vinyl or polyester, they often feature arrows, numbers, or symbols to guide traffic. Floor labels can also be as simple as floor marking tape to mark out pedestrian areas of a warehouse.

Pallet labels identify individual pallets and their contents. These labels may include information like the product name, SKU, lot number, and expiration date.

Regardless of the type of warehouse labelling system you use, the goal is to enable employees to quickly and accurately find products and materials.

Choosing the Correct Warehouse Labelling System for Your Business

Assess Your Needs

Before choosing warehouse labels, consider your specific needs by asking yourself:

  • What products or materials do we store?
  • How much space do we have?
  • How often do we move inventory?
  • What kind of traffic flow is needed?
  • What level of security is necessary?

Understanding these factors will help you select the right labels for your business and ensure that you are labelling your warehouse in the correct way.

Assess Materials and Durability

When choosing warehouse labels, think about the materials and durability. Labels in harsh environments or frequent handling may need durable materials like polyester. For less demanding environments, cheaper materials like paper or vinyl may work.

What type of fixing do you need?

Consider the fixing method for your warehouse labels. Self-adhesive labels are permanent, while magnetic labels can be easily removed or repositioned as needed.

Consider Size and Visibility

Labels that are too small can be hard to read and may lack information, while labels that are too large can take up too much space. Place labels in visible locations so employees can quickly find the information they need.


Finally, think about whether you need custom labels with your company logo, branding, or specific product details. Custom labels can boost brand recognition and help employees easily identify products or materials.

By assessing these factors and choosing the right warehouse labels, you can make your labelling system effective and efficient.

Setting Up a Warehouse Labelling System

Setting up a warehouse labeling system can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Follow these steps for a successful implementation:


Before labelling your warehouse, plan your layout. Consider the size and shape of your space, the type of products you store, and the traffic flow. This will help you choose the best locations and types of labels. 

Selecting Your Labels

Once you’ve planned your layout, select your labels. Think about factors already outlined like material, durability, fixing method, size, visibility, and customisation.

Create a Labelling Plan

After selecting your labels, create a labelling plan. Decide what information each label will contain, like product details, location, and safety info. Plan where to place each label and ensure consistency across your warehouse.

Train Your Employees

Training your employees on the new labelling system is vital. Ensure everyone understands the plan and how to read and interpret the labels. This boosts efficiency and accuracy in your warehouse.

Assess, Maintain and Update

Lastly, regularly assess, maintain, and update your labelling system. This helps identify areas for improvement and ensures it meets your needs. 

By following these steps, you can establish a successful warehouse labelling system that boosts efficiency and productivity in your business.

In summary, a warehouse labelling system is essential for an efficient and well-organised warehouse or distribution centre. Tailoring a labelling system to your needs can enhance efficiency, safety, and space optimisation.

Consider factors like material, durability, fixing method, size, visibility, and customisation when choosing warehouse labels. Making informed decisions ensures an effective and efficient labelling system for your business.

At Shelving & Racking, we provide a variety of warehouse labels to meet your needs. From location markers to pallet rack labels, our products are designed to streamline operations and help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to discuss your requirements.





Locking Pin

Are Locking Pins Needed on Pallet Racking?

When setting up pallet racking systems, customers often ask about the purpose of the ‘clips’ or ‘pins’ that join the connector on the beam to the front face of the upright frame. The primary function of the locking pin (or beam lock) is to prevent accidental movement of pallet racking beams by the forklift truck. Locking pins are small but essential components that secure your beams, preventing unintended disassembly and improving safety. Let’s delve into why locking pins are so important.

The locking pin is a small yet strong device that locks the pallet racking beams in position.  These locking pins are designed to meet industry standards set by organisations like the Storage Equipment Manufacturers’ Association (SEMA). They are specifically designed to prevent the beam from dislodging when knocked from underneath, but also to break in the event of a more serious impact when an excessive amount of pressure is applied. This can result in limiting the damage of a localised accident to a few pallets rather than a more serious full pallet racking collapse. 

We often see nuts and bolts being used as an alternative (or in addition) to the beam locks supplied by the manufacturer. These should never be used as they are not designed to break under the same pressure. This could result in the collapse of your whole pallet racking run. If the beam does not dislodge the result will be to destroy the upright in the area of the beam connector which can result in a whole upright buckling and collapsing which in turn results in all the beams in that bay falling and rotating against the next upright down the aisle causing this to also collapse and so on. The ultimate result could be a chain reaction collapse along a full run of racking which can be catastrophic and very costly to replace.

When you purchase new or used pallet racking beams with Shelving & Racking we always include beam locks free of charge and we always hold stock of beam locks for all major pallet racking systems available for quick dispatch!

To summarise, the use of locking pins is a fundamental aspect of warehouse safety and racking stability. While their small size might make them easy to overlook, they play a crucial role in keeping the integrity of your storage systems.

Locking pins are an indispensable component in the safety and effectiveness of your warehouse pallet racking. Contact us today to order yours on 0800 612 3210.

Why Choose Shelving and Racking

The Benefits Of Choosing Shelving & Racking

In a world filled with choices, it’s essential to know why you should buy from a particular business. With so many options available, making the right decision for your equipment needs is important. Whether you’re seeking new or used pallet racking or anything else from our range of warehouse equipment, we strive to deliver value, quality, and exceptional customer experiences. Read on to see the benefits of choosing Shelving & Racking and why buying from us is the smart choice. 

Quality You Can Trust

One of the most important reasons to buy from us is our commitment to quality. We understand that this is paramount in any purchase decision, which is why our used racking goes through rigorous safety checks.  All our stock meets the SEMA specifications for racking inspections before it leaves our warehouse and every frame and beam is visually inspected to ensure they meet our high standards. This commitment ensures that you’re investing in materials that are built to last and perform at their best.

Exceptional Customer Service

Customer service is at the heart of our business, and sets us apart from our competitors. We believe that great products should be accompanied by excellent support. The benefits of choosing Shelving & Racking is you’re not just buying a product; you’re gaining a partner who is dedicated to providing assistance, answering questions, and ensuring your requirements are met. We are only a call or email away.

Wide Range 

We understand that every customer is unique, with distinct preferences and needs. That’s why we offer a wide range of products to cater to diverse requirements. Whether you’re looking for a particular beam size or manufacturer, we have a variety of stock available. Our goal is to make sure you find the perfect fit for your business needs. We supply both used and new pallet racking from a wide range of manufacturers, we are sure we can find a solution for your requirements.

Competitive Pricing

Affordability is an essential factor in any purchasing decision. We aim to provide our products at competitive prices without compromising on quality. Value for your money is paramount, and we work diligently to offer cost-effective solutions that meet your budget without sacrificing quality.


Reputation and credibility is paramount to our business and we have years of trust and experience. We have a track record of delivering on our promises with thousands of satisfied customers. When you choose to buy from us, you can have confidence in your decision, knowing that you are dealing with a trusted and established business. You can read our customer reviews here

Ongoing Support

We don’t consider the sale as the end of our relationship with you. When you purchase from us, as a valued customer we are dedicated to providing ongoing support. From arranging pallet racking inspections, to assisting with maintenance or reconfiguration, we are here to ensure that your experience with Shelving & Racking remains an exceptional one.

When you buy from us, you’re not just making a purchase; you’re making an informed choice. We offer quality, excellent customer service, a wide range of options, competitive pricing, trust, and ongoing support. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we aim to exceed your expectations in every way. Make the smart choice today and buy from us, and experience the difference for yourself! You can call us to discuss your requirements on 0800 612 3210 or you can contact us by email at

Pallet Racking Column Guard

Huge Savings on Pallet Racking Column Guards

Good protection is essential for prolonging the life of your pallet racking. We currently have some huge savings on pallet racking column guards. The money and time cost of replacing damaged frames is substantial so our budget friendly column guards and rack end barriers could be the best investment you make!

We understand that pallet racking is a crucial investment for any business, and any damage to it can result in costly repairs and potential downtime. That’s why our column guards are an essential addition to your warehouse maintenance plan. Their strong and durable construction ensures maximum protection against accidental impacts, forklift damage, and other potential hazards.

Our column guards are built to withstand daily wear and tear, making them a long-term, cost-effective solution for your warehouse. They are easy to install which means minimal downtime and hassle for your business operations.

Not only do our column guards provide unmatched durability, but they also offer an affordable option for protecting your warehouse equipment. We understand the importance of keeping costs low, which is why we buy in bulk to pass amazing discounts onto our customers.  No need to sacrifice quality for price – you can have both with our budget friendly column guards.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – invest in column guards and ensure the safety and longevity of your pallet racking. Trust the experts and give your warehouse the protection it deserves. Call us now on 0800 612 3210 to order now or you can email us and experience the peace of mind that comes with strong and durable equipment.

Dexion Racking, Tyre Racking

Pallet Racking and So Much More!

Pallet racking might seem like a simple storage solution at first glance, but it’s extremely versatile and adaptable. Let’s explore the many storage solutions we can offer, at Shelving & Racking our pallet racking does a lot more than just hold pallets!

Pallet racking transforms how spaces are used. By making use of vertical storage, it transforms warehouses into storage hubs. Pallet racking extends beyond the simple storage of pallets and can be used to store a wide range of products of all shapes and sizes including Tyres and Carpets.

Tyre Racking

Due to the shape and nature of tyres any unnecessary pressure could cause deformities and alter the shape of the tyres. They shouldn’t be stacked and are difficult products to store so they can be easily picked. We provide specially adapted shallow racking systems as a perfect solution to keep tyres separated and accessible.

Carpet Racking

Our carpet racking utilises stacked runs of adjustable pallet racking with timber or chipboard levels. This allows long and spacious channels for easy loading and unloading carpet rolls. Shelf pitches can vary depending on roll diameter and whether the products can be stacked.  

Beam levels can be decked in a choice of suitable materials including chipboard, MDF, and open / close boarded timber. 

The carpet racking can be installed to allow access to goods from one or both ends as required. Positioning racks in a back to back layout offers increased storage capacity, with access aisles between each of the rows.

Freezer Pallet Racking

Freezers need organised and efficient storage, especially for perishable goods. Pallet racking systems are a game-changer in these spaces. As businesses grapple with the challenges of storing perishable goods, maintaining temperature integrity, and optimising space, this becomes a cost effective solution. 

Pallet racking in freezers or cold rooms, lets businesses stack goods vertically making the most of the freezer’s height and saving floor space. Pallet racking designed for freezers is designed to handle the low temperatures.

From adjustable shelf heights to accommodate various product sizes, pallet racking can be customised for different storage needs, helping manage inventory better.  Safety is crucial in cold storage. These racks are designed to be sturdy and durable, with features like guards and protectors to prevent accidents. 

Cask & Barrel Racking

There is an increasing demand from distilleries and breweries for racking for wine and spirits and kegs and casks. Many businesses find this a much more cost-effective method than a traditional dunnage warehouse with the benefit of adjustable levels to control airflow.

Pallet racking can be configured to design a warehouse cask pallet racking solution that meets the specific design criteria of any distillery. Due to the bespoke nature of these racking systems please contact us to discuss this in more detail. We can take into account the type of handling equipment to be used, we can offer walk-ways and staircases for access in order to take samples. Typically, walkways and staircases are incorporated to allow access to individual barrels in the system for on-going checking of the maturation process ensuring the available area can be maximised to full capacity.

Cantilever Racking

For storage of items that are not suitable for pallet racking we offer various storage solutions. If you’re looking to store large sheets of timber, metal or even pipes, why not look at our cantilever racking. We have a fantastic off the shelf solution that is available in single or double-sided. For a bespoke solution including systems suitable for indoor or outdoor use please do not hesitate to contact us.

Vertical Racking

If upright storage for long items is what you are searching for look no further. Our vertical storage racks can accommodate up to 3 metres in length. A very simple system that comes as a starter bay with the option to add extension bays. Each bay comes with 3 dividers, although if you require more simply let us know. With a choice of two bay widths, this vertical storage solution is sure to meet most business needs. For a customised system, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our Sales team on 0800 612 3210 or email us at